The Story Behind The Millers

My full name is Rachel Danielle Miller, and there’s a bit of history behind each part of my name. As for my first name, my mom decided to name me Rachel as a tribute to her sister who passed away as a very young infant. My grandmother (who goes by “Cookie,” another interesting name story) had a daughter named Robin, who passed away when she was five months old. My mother never met Robin, because she was born after Robin had passed, but she missed having another sister. My mother’s family is Jewish, and there is a Jewish custom to name a child after a family member who has passed away, in the hopes that the soul of the loved one lives on in the child who now bears their name. As a result of this, my mother decided to name me Rachel and my younger sister Rebecca as a nod to Robin. My middle name has a pretty simple explanation; my father’s name is Daniel, and so I was given the middle name of Danielle. Unlike a lot of people, I love my middle name and sometimes even wish it was my f...